Finalgo Companies
Finalgo Partners Oy is a limited liability company registered under the laws of Finland and headquarted in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

Finalgo Algerie S.A.R.L. is a limited liability company registered under the laws of Algeria and headquarted in the capital, Algiers (Fra. Alger).

The two companies are in close co-operation and in contact with each other on a daily basis. This allows the accurate gathering of the very latest information and data transfer and exchange at short notice. It also gives our clients a remarkable benefit when a task must be undertaken on an "as we speak" basis. It also limits the need to travel on site. Both companies have co-operation partners in their neighboring countries. Finalgo Partners Oy in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries and Finalgo Algerie S.A.R.L in Tunisia, Morocco and Libya.

Finalgo Partners Oy (Business ID 2158410-5)
Address: Tuhkimontie 7-9 B 10 00820 Helsinki Finland
TEL +358 (0)44 299 00 05 FAX +358 9 32 18 883
Finalgo Partners Oy
(Business ID 2158410-5) Address: Metsäpellontie 47 B 18, 15200 Lahti Finland
Fax: +358 9 321 88 83

Mr Jukka Sihvo
Managing Director Finalgo Partners Oy
Tel: +358 44 299 0005

Mr Mourad Mebarki
Managing Director Finalgo Algerie SARL
Tel: + 213 5 502 000 16